
Craig Whitney

Multiply Project was founded by Craig Whitney. He planted a church over 30 years ago in an era when few resources were available for the development and training of church planters. This experience fuels his passion for providing today’s church planters with the training and support they need to effectively start and multiply churches.

He has done this for 15+ years through his roles at the Gateway Leadership Initiative and Stadia. His goal is to provide healthy churches with the resources, skills, and tools they need to call, equip, and send out church planters from within their congregation.

Craig lives in Sacramento, California with the cutest girl in his 4th Grade Sunday School class who he has now been married to for over 35 years. When he is not reading, writing or talking about ideas for church planting, he likes to spend time roasting and drinking coffee, cycling in the Sierra Foothills, and cheering on his favorite Formula 1 driver.


Multiply Project has adopted the Lausanne Covenant as our Statement of Faith. The Covenant was ratified at the International Congress on World Evangelization, held in Lausanne, Switzerland, in July 1974. 2,300 people, representing 150 nations, attended the Congress and were involved in the ratification of the Covenant. Since that time, the Covenant has become a confession of faith for many Christian ministries and associations around the world.

The Lausanne Covenant is available at the Lausanne Movement website.

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